Saturday, April 14, 2012

3 Ways to heighten attention and Memory Power

Concentration and focus are key to improving memory performance. Most theories of how memories are created show that a few focused seconds are required to commit an idea to short-term memory and a dinky longer for long-term recall.

Finding the time for this is tough in our contemporary era of connectivity and multimedia bombardment. Cell phones, emails, Tv, the web, people,...; they all interrogate our attentiveness Now. It takes discipline, as well as a few tweaks to our environment, to preclude them from impairing our thinking processes.

Here are three ways you can growth your memory performance by improving your attentiveness and focus.

One Thing At a Time

It is tempting to achieve manifold tasks at once in hopes of being more productive. However many studies have shown that multitasking has a detrimental corollary on wide efficiency and is especially bad for our memory. For improved memory performance it is vital that one focus on one thing at a time.

The human brain is amazing, However it is only able to process one stream of belief at a time. The perception that we can process manifold ideas is unquestionably the mind switching between ideas, thrashing instead of focusing. This greatly inhibits the memory storage and recall process.

One recipe to growth focus is to divide the ready time into chunks while which only a singular task is done. However, if you are not use to this, it can be tough to corollary straight through on. One way to enforce this discipline is to use a timer. The basic steps are:

Decide on the task to work on. Clear your real-world and computer desktops of unrelated clutter. Prevent distractions: turn off cellphones and email notifications; let house and coworkers know not to disturb you. Set a timer for 30 to 60 minutes. Perform only that task until the timer goes off. Take a brief 3-5 dinky break and repeat.

Focusing for 30 to 60 minutes is often optimal, after which productivity starts to drop. Also there are likely to be distractions that can no longer be put off. Experiment to find the exact duration that is optimal for you.

In this way you can build the habit of 'single-tasking'.

Quiet the Mind

For many the mind is a busy, chaotic place. Irrelevant, repetitive and, unfortunately, negative thoughts bounce colse to unchecked. Not only is this not ideal for memory performance, it can have an corollary on ones wide sense of well being. There are many techniques that can help sacrifice the chaos and make your mind a peaceful oasis where great things can happen.

Philosophies and practises from eastern cultures often emphasize this. Consider practising yoga or meditation regularly. An instructed class may help to ease yourself in without having to learning the details, which can be counterproductive to the goal of quieting the mind.

Something as uncomplicated as mindful breathing can be helpful. Make yourself comfortable and take a few deep breaths. Feel the lower chest and abdomen improve as you inhale. Sense how your body is at ease as you exhale.

The key is to interrupt the current belief patterns and to replace them with calmness. As the mind turns to the task at hand you will be much more resourceful and may find a dinky inspiration.


Concentration and focus are hard work and the brain, similar to muscles, needs to be exercised and it needs time to recover. Take time to relax and do things you enjoy, be it a hobby, reading, sharing a occasion with your partner or even watching a dinky Tv.

The purpose is threefold: to give your mind a change of activity, to publish and forget about your day-to-day stresses and, most importantly, to improve your wide life enjoyment.

3 Ways to heighten attention and Memory Power

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